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As far as their numerousness in the animal world, this group yields only to arthropods. The richness of species can mainly be seen, however, in the tropical oceanic zone. In our climate, both in water and on land, this type is represented rather modestly. Thus far 70 species of water and land molluscs have been counted in the Drawa National Park, and they belong to two systematic units: snails and shellfish. The land molluscs are represented by 32 different species of snails, of which most are present in the forests of the Polish lowlands. Besides the common snails, some relatively rare ones can be found in the Park, for example: green Aegopinella, Perforatella bidens, Cochlodina laminata, Iphigena ventricosa, or Helix pomatia (protected in Poland).

The Drawa National Park waters are inhabited by both snails and shellfish. They constitute for over 54% of different molluscs found in this area. This rather significant ratio of water molluscs has its source in the great diversity of communities in standing and running waters of the DNP area. The number of different shellfish present here has been estimated to 19 species. Among them are some whose size doesn’t reach more than 3mm (Pisidium moitessierianum), as well as a species whose shell is 25cm long (Anodonta cygnea). Many species of the Pisidium kind will be found on the pages of the Polish “Red Book of Animals” as rare and endangered. Unio crassus is considered to be on the verge of compete dying out. Among the 19 species of water snails all have been stated to be commonly present in lowlands
